Thursday, May 16, 2013

[24] "The Lion Has a Job Interview"

The Lion Has a Job Interview
By Deidre Price

I came prepared,
had my mane tucked in,
my nails polished.
I even ate before I came
to keep my instincts at bay.

I entered the cage to the sound of a gate
closing behind me, keys jangling
in an unidentified pocket.

They came prepared, too,
a mural of suits, hose, and heels,
cold, memorized lines paired with warm faces
and a script held out like meat on a stick,
a ball to keep me half busy.

Each took his turn circling
while each question closed in,
the weight of nothing feeling like something,
as it pressed into my head,
pushing out ordinary trick after trick.

I know the routine:
when to pounce, when to wait,
what sounds to make,
when to take the bait,
how to get a reward.

They know the routine:
I'm a lion.

And that's why it takes six of them
to one me.


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